Motor Learning

Methods to Improve Retention


  • Demonstration should occur prior to the learner practicing
  • The individual demonstrating should provide cues and focus on what the learner should do
  • Demonstration should be followed by practice

Extrinsic/augmented feedback 

Sensory information provided by an external force. 

Guide the patient through the motion, giving more assistance than necessary at first to emphasize proper movement.

Mental Practice

If the patient is having difficulty with a particular skill, have them visualize that part of the transfer.

  • This can assist with access and reinforcement of stored motor plans
  • This can be done several times a week for short periods of time (10-15 minutes)

Part to Whole Practice

  • If they are having trouble with a particular part of a transfer, have the patient perform different parts of the transfer and then link those parts together.
  • A session should always end with whole practice

Closed to open environment

  • The learner should be progressed from a closed to open environment
  • An open environment can improve skill transfer
  • An open environment can consist of a busy environment that has more distractions, different transfer surface heights, and also different transfer surfaces

Random Practice

  • Encourages a learner to compare and contrast the methods and strategies used for performing different tasks
  • Can make skill acquisition more difficult but maximizes long term learning effects