Front Method - Chair to Tub

Set-up phase

  • Position the wheelchair so it is facing the tub roughly 1.5 ft. away
  • Lock the brakes.
  • Lift the feet onto the side of the tub. Unlock the brakes and move the wheelchair forward until it is against the side of the tub, slowly letting the feet ease down into the tub.
  • Lock the brakes. Remove the armrest, if necessary, and scoot forward to the front 2/3 of the seat so the feet are flat on the bottom of the tub.
  • Position the transfer board so it “bridges” the space between the wheelchair and tub seat. It should rest under the buttocks and on the tub seat.


Flight-End phase

  • Have the patient grasp the safety bar on the side of the tub or the tub seat.
  • Carefully lift up and over the side of the tub and onto the tub seat.